Meet the Zwacks

We are a family owned operation. We started this adventure in 2020. 
We live in Colorado. We have 4 children. 
I left nursing to stay home full time with our kids and decided it would be a good idea to get ONE dairy cow. Now we have 12 dairy cows and counting. 
Our cows have access to fresh grass, when we have it. We rotationally graze them and do not spray any chemicals on our pasture. When there is no fresh grass, we feed alfalfa and grass hay to the cows in milk and straight grass hay to the cows who are dry. The cows in milk get a dairy grain ration that is organic, corn free and soy free, along with alfalfa cubes during milking.
We do not use hormones when breeding our cows- we rely on natural heat cycles and artificially inseminate them when its time to rebreed them. They get a 3 month “dry period" which gives them a break from producing milk before they have their baby. This allows them to use all their energy and nutrition into growing their baby in the last 3 months of their pregnancy.  
Our goal is to bring safe and nutritious raw milk to as many families as possible.